Friday, October 3, 2008


Well I did it, I finally got a dog. I picked up Titus exactly one week ago. I don't think either one of us could be happier. It's been a great week to say the least.

Titus, formerly Little Boom, has been through a lot in his four years. He was first displaced during Hurricane Katrina as a puppy. Then he was picked up by a lady who was hoarding dogs in Texas where he acquired fleas. From my understandings, the hoarding lady tried to help Little Boom out and treated him for the fleas but somehow goofed and doubled the dosage which caused chemical burns, singing off a lot of his fur (which thankfully grew back). He then somehow made his way up to MN where he contracted heart worm. This is a fatal condition if left untreated in K9's. Treatment however is quite exhaustive and extensive. During this time they are not supposed to exercise which increases their heart rate as this could kill the dog. Well another person took him in during this time and apparently wanted him to become a working dog, sort of like a bomb sniffing dog. They thought he was overweight so cut his caloric intake in half and was running him ragged...DURING his heart worm treatment. Idiots! Dang near killed him from what I heard. He then eventually would up at the Midwest Animal Rescue Shelter (MARS) which is where he was when our fates crossed paths.

The rest is history. He couldn't be more perfect for me. He's the most laid back, chilled and relaxed dog I've ever known. He knows his basic commands and is completely past the puppy stage. He's totally content just vegging out all day long. He's house trained and very good on a leash. He loves to play fetch and tug of war with his rope. He's great with all people including toddlers as well as other dogs. I seriously feel like I've won the lottery.

How can you be in a bad mood when you get to come home to this everyday?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Doggy Day

Well I recently purchased my very first home (see townhouse). And it dawned on me that this is the first time in my 28 years of existence that I've lived on my own, absolultely alone. I've always had at least one roommate along the way since college. Granted I've been home alone for days, maybe a week at a time but having your very own place by yourself is a completely different bear. Like what if I lock myself out? What if I choke on a piece of food? Or slip in the shower and crack my head open?

Needless to say, the first week was a bit different and took some getting used to. I've been in my new place now about 5 weeks or so and things have returned to normal as far as my living goes.

I've always wanted to get my own dog. My family's had at least one pretty much for my entire life growing up. So I of course immediately wanted to get a dog when I got my new place. Well I've held out long enough now and my feelings of wanting one haven't wavered one bit. So, I'm pulling the trigger and getting a dog today!

I'll be heading to Burnsville after work to pick him up from his foster mom. Just quickly, he's a black lab originally named Little Boom but is now Titus.

Pics and more to come.

Cleaning House

Well hello to all those that don't read this, just me here. More a less a journal. I haven't posted anything in almost 8 months. Since giving up triathlon (temporarily/forever?) I basically stopped posting as this was, in it's beginning stages, more or less a triathlon specific blog. Moving forward, this will be an outlet for me to spew about pretty much anything going on in my life...good, bad or ugly. So sit back, relax and enjoy!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Week In The Books

The first week back in action has been a giant success. I was able to get 5 workouts in and ate pretty well the entire time. Not without of course, enjoying myself and life all while being normal. I induldged in some beers and some fries at Green Mill. No problems. Normal Todd is here and hopefully to stay for good.

On the triathlon front, there still might be hope. Racine is pretty much the only thing I'm concerned about and thinking about doing...all be it a long shot. As of right now, I've got just over 5 months and counting. Depending upon how well I bounce back, get in shape, lose some weight, feel good and am able to make an intelligent decision about it, it's going to be in the back of my head.

I just finished a nice little spin session on the trainer with my roommate Mike. He asked if I wanted to spin with him. Initially in my head I thought, "are you nuts?" But then I thought, why not, let's give it a shot. Being I'm a clydesdale right now weighing in at a robust 225 pounds, I was a little leary hopping on my bike. Will it be able to handle my fat ass pumping away at this weight? I wasn't sure but what the hell, let's do it.

My bike held up just fine (or so I think) and I was able to muster 45 whole minutes on that bitch with my roommate going nuts just a few feet away while we watched an Against Me DVD. For those taking notes, great workout music right there. So yah, back to the spin. I made it the entire 45 planned minutes and overall, felt pretty good. My legs felt great even though my heart rate (Ave - 174/Max - 190) was high and my nether region was sore as all hell. NO PAIN!

With the first week down and in the books, I'm feeling pretty good and excited for the upcoming week to keep the momentum going. It's going to be interesting though as I'm kind of busy this week. Time for some self control. With the Superbowl in about 4 hours, bowling league Monday, a work happy hour Wednesday, a birthday party Friday and hockey day in MN Saturday, I'm going to be trying my hardest to limit myself while still enjoying the finer things in life and being normal.

Thanks to Mike for the session.

Peace and love.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Two Fer

Ah yah. I made it to Snap again today, two days in a row! Did some light lower body weights followed by 10 minutes on the elliptical and 5 minutes on the moving staircase. Still an eternity to go but making strides and feeling much day at a time.

The upper body is a bit sore but luckily I held back a tad yesterday.

Planning on doing more cardio tomorrow.

On a side note, it's like 15 below...I love MN!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wanting to Die

Well I actually made it to the gym today which in and of itself, is a huge victory for me. On the flip side, reality became blatantly obvious. Now I knew how deep of a hole I've dug for myself and how out of shape I was but today at Snap, it reared it's ugly head.

I did some light weights working upper body and core for a solid 20 or 30 minutes. I followed that up with 5 minutes on the elliptical and 5 minutes on the treadmill. Good news is I still have most of my strength or so I think. Bad news is I need a bra for surely and am severely out shape endurance wise. Christ, my quads were screaming 3 minutes into the elliptical on the easiest level. Then topped it off on the treadmill where I couldn't even go a full 5 minutes at 5.0 mph. I had to break it up into two two and a half minute intervals.

Needless to say, I was quite disappointed in myself afterwards but again, huge victory for me in just getting there. Looking forward to going back again tomorrow.

Also on the positive side, I've already stopped my nasty sweating habit. During the meltdown, I've been sweating like a damn pig when doing zero activity....PIT-OUT! It was all due to the food and crap I kept stuffing to the brim in my system. Two days of eating much more sensibly and one minor workout under my belt, problem solved, no more sweating. Funny how that works.

Here's to a good night of sleep and a new day!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Second Spark

So of course my alarm went off this morning bright and early at 4:00am sharp. Do you think I got out of bed? Hell no, I snoozed it for a good hour and half and skipped my workout....yet again.

So here I sit at work. On the plus side, I've been eating really well today and plan to throughout, sans a few beers at bowling tonight.

In the meantime, I canceled my Lifetime membership about a month ago. As much as I loved that place, I hated it. The "executive" one downtown was $130 a month after all was said and done. Are you kidding me? When I was doing two a days, I really didn't mind paying that. Also consider the location was literally across the street from my building where I work. Now consider I've just pissed away how ever much money the past 5 months NOT working out at all. That is not a good feeling. Nor is it financially smart. But I finally quit which my membership runs out in like 3 days.

Reflecting back on these past few months I've realized that part of the reason I was so reluctant to workout, especially lately, is because of how self conscious I've become being how out of shape I now am complete with pear shape physique. Good riddance to you Lifetime.

On the flip side, I did join a gym this morning called Snap Fitness. This is of those strip mall chains that you see popping up everywhere. Luckily one opened up downtown and is about a 4 minute walk from my office which is perfect. It's also, get this, after insurance kicks in, only $20 a month. You can't beat that if you ask me. Plus, it has everything I need to workout and if you go at the right times (not over the noon hour) it's completely dead. So yah, I signed up for that today and felt invigorated while walking back to work. I was a bit upset that I hadn't packed a bag today otherwise I would have stayed and worked out.

So, here's to tomorrow and my first day at Snap Fitness.