Friday, September 26, 2008

Doggy Day

Well I recently purchased my very first home (see townhouse). And it dawned on me that this is the first time in my 28 years of existence that I've lived on my own, absolultely alone. I've always had at least one roommate along the way since college. Granted I've been home alone for days, maybe a week at a time but having your very own place by yourself is a completely different bear. Like what if I lock myself out? What if I choke on a piece of food? Or slip in the shower and crack my head open?

Needless to say, the first week was a bit different and took some getting used to. I've been in my new place now about 5 weeks or so and things have returned to normal as far as my living goes.

I've always wanted to get my own dog. My family's had at least one pretty much for my entire life growing up. So I of course immediately wanted to get a dog when I got my new place. Well I've held out long enough now and my feelings of wanting one haven't wavered one bit. So, I'm pulling the trigger and getting a dog today!

I'll be heading to Burnsville after work to pick him up from his foster mom. Just quickly, he's a black lab originally named Little Boom but is now Titus.

Pics and more to come.

1 comment:

Steve Stenzel said...

I hope Titus is enjoying his new home!